Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Andy, The Alarm Rooster

If you've been reading then you already know I'm writing real people into imaginary situations but what you might not realize is that some of the situations are very much real. For example, the bear scene in episode #41. Hellphone actually happened to me. And before you ask, yes it did scare the crap out of me.

Most recently I added Ms Bobbie Sonner, to fill in for me back home while my character is on the lam.You'll also notice I recently included a real performance by the Raving Knaves, a great Punk Rock band from right here in Greensboro, North Carolina. And the places are real too.

Soon I'll introduce you to Andy, the Alarm Rooster. He'll become part of the story as well. Andy is also real and lives in my back yard along with Mr Green Jeans and the rest of my flock. I didn't plan on having 2 roosters but growing up Andy didn't exhibit any traits of being a male so I thought Andy was an Annie. Andy would squat in submission just like the hens when Mr Green Jeans, myself or the dominant hens touched him, run from everything that moved and in his youth was the easiest bird to handle I've ever owned. He used to follow me all over the yard, jump in my lap anytime I sat down and loved to be petted-- behaviors very uncommon for roosters. And while Andy doesn't warm up to people the way he used to he is still what folks would consider a very gentle rooster.

But Andy has this peculiar habit unlike any other rooster I've ever owned. At night, whenever anyone or anything other than my cat walks into my yard, Andy starts crowing his fool head off. 'Possum, raccoon, prowler, me, anything other than that black feral cat and Andy goes off in about 2 seconds flat. Mr Green Jeans, he sleeps right through it but not young Andy.

When it comes to watching out for hawks and finding food for the flock Andy is just about useless. He's oblivious to threats from overhead and digging in the garden? He acts as he might be afraid he'll get his feet dirty. Only one hen in the entire flock will allow him to mate with her, the rest chase him across the yard pulling out his tail feathers every time he tries. And fighting off a predator? Andy runs from the squirrls so that ain't going to happen. I swear I think I've seen the cat laughing at him. But it was just about the time that I was deciding that Andy was going to have to go that he started displaying this newfound talent for working nights as a security guard so with that in mind I've decided to keep him on a little longer.

After all, Andy works for chicken feed.

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